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Interview with Tim Wendelboe(Part Two)
« 於: 五月 13, 2007, 03:27:52 am »
BGT:Please describle the signature drink that you won 1st place in the World Barista Championship in 2004, and how long did it take you to create the sig drink?

Tim: The drink is based on one of my favourite desserts, Tiramisu. I had to make it into a liquid drink because of the rules in the WBC. This was the fun part. I spent over 6 months trying to balance the different ingredients until the drink was perfect. It consisted of a whisked topping made out of marsala syrup, mascarpone cheese, egg yolks and sugar. The coffee I used played a vital role in the drinks taste balance. I managed to find coffee from Mountain Top estate in Australia. This coffee had just the right fruitiness, chocolate aftertaste and loads of sweetness. Fortunately I found this coffee only weeks before the actual championship. On top I drissled orange scented chocolate from Valrhona. All togeather a delicious drink where the coffee flavour was the dominating aftertaste and the topping contributed with a creamy and airy mouthfeel.
創意的源頭來自於我最喜歡的甜點之一~提拉米蘇。因為WBC的規則限制,我必須把它轉變成一種飲料,從固體到液體,正是整個創意過程中最有意思的部份。一共花了我超過六個月的時間,讓所有的原料做一個完美的組成,包括marsala糖漿、mascarpone起司、蛋黃和糖,而我所選用的咖啡在整杯飲料的味覺平衡裡,更是扮演一個最關鍵的角色。我選擇澳洲Mountain Top莊園的咖啡,它有我要的水果風味、巧克力餘韻,也提供豐富的甜度。幸運的是我終於在正式比賽前幾星期取得了這個咖啡。我在最上面還灑了少量的來自法國的法芙娜橙香巧克力。最後,有著絕佳咖啡風味當做背景主體,並結合上層滑順的乳脂與發泡後的輕盈質感,我的創意飲料就這麼誕生了。

BGT: Many coffee people think about that the Scandiavian espresso blend almost with the highest reputation in the world , what do you think? And how did you creat a good espresso blend?

Tim: Scandinavians has a long tradition in buying quality coffee. This has many reasons, but I believe that a good espresso blend always starts with finding coffee that is exceptionally good alone. By mixing good coffees together, you can create something more that what the coffees taste alone. To get the right taste balance between the different coffees used and the degree of roast is very time demanding and hard work and you have to taste a lot of coffee to reach your goal. But you need a vision of what you want that goal to be. Without having a vision or a goal for the final taste, you don’t know what to look for in the single coffees either and you will end up with being more confused than satisfied.

BGT:What kind of single overriding flavour in the espresso is the worst? And what kind of flavour is your priority choice?

Tim: The worst flavours for me would be if the espresso is stale and has a charcoal or burned flavour. I do not like overroasted espresso, nor too light so it tastes like lemon juice. I also dislike ferment, mustiness and all other defective flavours. I believe in a good balance between sweetness, bitterness and acidity and mouthfeel. Sweetness is always the taste I try to enhance the most. But without bitterness the coffee is not interesting. I prefer many styles of espresso. Right now my blend has a strong aroma of almonds and marzipan. The taste of the espresso reminds me of dried fruits. The aftertaste is very longlasting, oily and has the flavour of bittersweet chocolate. I like fruity espresso and also chocolaty espresso, but taste is individual and there is no correct answer to what an espresso should taste like. If it pleases you and stands out from other espressos, then you have probably tasted a good one, right?
對我而言,最糟糕的espresso莫過於出現不新鮮的味道,或是碳味或焦味。我不喜歡過度烘焙的espresso豆,也不喜歡太淺焙,喝起來像是檸檬汁的espresso。我當然也不喜歡發酵味、霉味和所有的缺陷風味。我堅信在甜味、苦味、酸味與口腔觸感之間,會有一個絕妙的平衡。甜味絕對是我要提升到極限的味道,但是少了一點苦味,咖啡又不夠有趣了。我喜歡各種風格的 espresso。目前我正在做的配方豆聞起來有非常濃烈的杏仁香氣(marzipan是歐洲人耶誕節常做的杏仁糖餅,被認為象徵幸福的味道),做成 espresso則有種讓我聯想到水果乾的味道,而後味是油脂感跟巧克力般的苦甜味的組合表現,餘韻綿長。我個人喜歡水果風格的espresso,也喜歡巧克力風格的espresso,但感官總是個人主觀的,espresso的風格走向是沒有標準答案的。如果你覺得喝到這杯咖啡比別的好,那就是好咖啡了,不是嗎?

BGT:Which one is your favorite single origin coffee? Did you use it as one of your espresso blend?

Tim: My all time favourite is Kenyan coffee. I love the lively black currant flavour and the citric acidity it often represents. I have always had a good amount of Kenyan coffee in my espressoblends. Right now I am using 10% of a Kenyan coffee from Eeagads estate. It is an amazing coffee. I do also often find coffees that are exceptionally good and that might be my favourite at the time. Right now it is a Rwandan coffee from Bukonya estate. I also use 10% of this coffee in my blend. This coffee is super sweet with a lot of coffee blossom aroma and a delightful sweet ripe frutiness.


BGT:What's your opinion of ristretto, for example, in Taiwan ,some barista like to make espresso with high volume (over 20gram or use triple basket), long extraction time and light roasted blend(before Second crack)?

Tim: It depends on the coffee and the occation. I have had some great shots made by Paul Bassett where he used this method, but I personally prefer a lighter texture and a longer shot when I use my own blend. I have to pinpoint that every coffee needs different brewing parameters in order to taste at its best. Therefore there is no method that are more or less right or wrong. The taste is what matters, but taste is individual, and that is why working with coffee is so much fun.(and frustrating at some times)
我想這取決於咖啡本身與使用的場合。我喝過一些非常棒的espresso是Paul Bassett用這種手法做出來的,但是我個人還是喜歡比較淡一點的,萃取量多一點的方式來呈現我自己的配方。我確定的是每一種咖啡需要不同的沖煮參數,才能喝到它最好的那一面,因此沒有一個方法是比較好或是比較差。也因為品嚐是這麼主觀的事情,所以從事這一行才會這麼有趣,當然有時也令人沮喪。

BGT: what's your opinion about Italy certifies the "official" cappuccino" and what is your idea of the volume and stracture of a cappa .

Tim: I believe it is important to state what a cappuccino really is. Serving a 32 oz milk based coffeedrink in a paper cup and to call it a cappuccino is wrong and disrespectful to Italian culture. I don’t mind people drinking such a thing, but I believe it is wrong to compare it to a cappuccino. I believe we need to educate the people about quality coffee. This is hard to do when most of the espresso drinks served around the world is 99,9% milk and 0,1% coffee.

BGT: Do you believe milk-based espresso drinks need a different (and possibly more forceful) blend than straight espresso or ristretto drinks do? How many blend will you serve in your espresso bar?

Tim: Yes, my new blend is not dominating enough in a cappuccino. Therefore I need to make another one that will taste more coffee in milk based drinks. I will have 2 standard blends in my espresso bar and also various single origin espresso to offer.