BGT: What inspired you to be a leader in coffee industry both as a great barista and righ now a consultant with a coffee company?
Tim: I have always known that I had to work my way up in society. I have never been a perfect student in school and I have always wanted to start my own business. I think that the reason why I have reached where I am today is because I have worked hard and set high goals for my self. My ambitions have never been to be a leader in the coffee industry, but to be as good as possible at what I do and to enjoy what I do. I take my job seriously and I am also very proud of what I do. I believe anyone can be something in this world if they try hard enough. It is only a matter ambitions.
BGT: What advice and tips do you have for a Barista who just getting start ?
Tim: Be humble about your skills. Read all the literature you can find about coffee and share as much knowledge as you can with other baristas. It is by sharing and exchanging information that I have learned the most about coffee. Always taste the coffee you prepare. Without tasting the product it is impossible to know what you are doing right or wrong.
In the end it is the taste that matters. Knowledge is only a tool to find the great taste in coffee.
BGT: You are a World Barista Champion and the World Cup tasters Competition champion, What kind of ability do you think a barista should have? And how to learn?
Tim: I believe you need the ability to taste and smell. Unfortunately mother nature has not made us all good tasters. I am not a supertaster, but I do have a profound interest in food and drinks in general. This has helped me a lot in understanding what coffee really is all about, the taste. I also have a very humble approach when I taste coffee and other new things. It is by tasting a lot of coffee, food, cigars, and wine that I have gained experience both as a barista and a cup taster.
BGT: What is the most common mistake of barista when they making espresso at coffee bars?
Tim: They do not focus on all the factors that affects the brewing process. By this I mean things like, cleanliness, tamping, grinding adjustment, flushing the machine, etc, etc. Many baristas have a routine, but they rarely question their routine. This means that small details often are missed in the brewing process. By missing only one important detail the espresso can turn out to taste horrible. It is really hard to focus on quality when the line is getting longer on the other side of the counter, but if not every customer are treated as good as you would like to be treated yourself, then I do believe you are making a mistake.
通病是不夠專注,這包括沖煮過程中所有足以產生影響的元素,像是清潔、填壓、研磨調整、放水....等等。絕大多數的 barista有一套操作程序,但是卻很少對這個慣常的程序做檢討,這意味著在沖煮過程中會有些小細節經常被忽略,而偏偏一個小失誤就能讓 espresso變得難以下嚥。我也知道全程的專注是真的不容易的事情,尤其是櫃臺的另一邊等待的客人越來越多的時候,但是只要你沒有對待客人沒有像對待你自己那麼講究的時候,我相信這時候錯誤立刻就要出現了。
BGT: Right now you create a roast factory do you think a good barista should know how to roast coffee? Or even to practice roasting? And what is your suggestion of barista to cooperate with roaster?
Tim: I definitely believe that all baristas should have knowledge about roasting and how roasting affects the taste of the coffee. You can have one coffee and roast it in many different ways and get different results in the cup. I believe that all baristas should try to open a dialogue with a roaster and try to get at least the roasting date on the bags they buy along with other vital information. I also believe that roasters and baristas should taste more coffee together. This way the barista can help the roaster get better by giving feedback and the roaster will help the barista gain more knowledge. It is a win-win situation for all of us.
我絕對相信所有的barista都應該具備烘焙知識,去瞭解烘焙如何對咖啡風味造成了影響,相同的咖啡會因為不同的烘焙方式,而造成不同的口感結果。我認為所有barista要嘗試著與烘焙師對話並交換意見,最起碼知道袋子上烘焙日期的意義以及其他伴隨的重要資訊。我也覺得烘焙師跟barista必須一起同時杯測各種咖啡,藉由這樣意見回饋的方式,讓烘焙者更精準掌握沖煮需求,也讓barista 自己瞭解更多烘焙相關知識,這絕對是一個創造雙贏的方式,對大家都好。
BGT: Do you think Barista is just as a career, or barista maybe just a passing job?
Tim: I am the living proof that it can definitely be a career. I started as a full time barista and worked my way up to become manager of 8 coffee shops before I quit my job at Stockfleth’s. Now I am opening a coffee school, a roastery and an espresso bar in Oslo. I believe it is always up to every person what they make of their job. But don’t believe everything will happen for you if you do a good job. Responsibility is never given to a person, it is taken by the person. So my advice to all is to take responsibility of your own future.
BGT: If have the chance do you want to visit Taiwan and expand your business ?
Tim: I definitely would like to visit Taiwan. Right now my schedule is really tight because of my new establishment. But if a good opportunity comes around, I would not hesitate to jump on a plane and fly to Taiwan. Asian culture is something I need to explore more. Especially when it comes to food and drinks.